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En primer lugar, agradeciendoles por su visita a este Blog que deja de ser mio y pasa a ser de ustedes en el momento en que lo visiten.

Para algunos que no me conocen, soy Médico - Cirujano, egresado de la Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sanchez Carrión - Huacho. Espero que disfruten de su paseo por este espacio virtual. Si alguien quiere publicar algún articulo en este Blog puede inscribirse como administrador o me escribe a mi correo y yo lo pongo como administrador. Sigamos creciendo poco a poco, ya que la ciencia y la tecnología lo hacen a pasos agigantados.


Mensaje de Excelencia

Si todos hicieramos las cosas que somos capaces de hacer, nos asombraríamos literalmente a nosotros mismos.

lunes, 8 de marzo de 2010

Up to Date

The idea behind UpToDate is relatively simple, but totally unique. Every day, clinicians have questions about patient care. Patients have questions about their health as well. Why not recruit a faculty of experts to answer those questions, keep the information updated, and create a format that is easy to use? Why not also provide all of the necessary background information to understand why the recommendations are being made? UpToDate does all of that and much more. UpToDate is a worldwide clinical community that you can be part of and benefit from. UpToDate is the largest clinical community in the world dedicated to synthesizing knowledge for clinicians and patients. Our community includes more than 3,800 expert clinicians who function as authors, editors and peer reviewers and over 340,000 users who provide feedback and questions to our editorial group. Our role is to facilitate interaction among members of the health care community and to synthesize and disseminate information in order to help doctors be better doctors. UpToDate answers your clinical questions. UpToDate is an electronic information resource – available on the Web, desktop, and PDA. With UpToDate, you can log in from the office, exam room, or bedside and get specific, detailed answers to your clinical questions. Over eighty million patient-related problems are researched each year with UpToDate. UpToDate is comprehensive and current, keeping you informed of the latest clinical findings. UpToDate covers more than 7,400 topics in 13 medical specialties and includes more than 76,000 pages of text, graphics, links to Medline abstracts, more than 254,000 references, and a drug database. Our physician editors and authors review and update the content continuously. An updated version of UpToDate is released every four months. UpToDate provides treatment recommendations that help patients get the best possible care. UpToDate includes treatment recommendations based on the best medical evidence. Recommendations are kept current as new studies are released and practices change. We are now grading our recommendations, so you can assess their strength and the quality of the evidence more quickly. For more details, please see our editorial policy. UpToDate is written by expert physicians in their respective fields, so you have confidence in our recommendations. More than 3,800 physician authors and editors, who are experts in their respective fields, write topic reviews that cover all the major aspects of a particular condition, including symptoms, tests and diagnosis, and treatment options. All topics are also subjected to rigorous peer review. UpToDate is evidence-based, providing you with information you can rely on. UpToDate is evidence-based and uses a literature-driven updating system; more than 400 journals are monitored by editors and authors, and anytime something of importance is published, it is incorporated into the program. The key word here is "incorporated." UpToDate is not a journal watch. New studies are not simply added, but rather they are placed in the context of what has already been published in that field. UpToDate is unbiased – providing you information that is not influenced by commercial interests. We believe it is crucial to maintain our editorial independence, so we do not accept money from pharmaceutical companies or other advertisers.

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