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Para algunos que no me conocen, soy Médico - Cirujano, egresado de la Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sanchez Carrión - Huacho. Espero que disfruten de su paseo por este espacio virtual. Si alguien quiere publicar algún articulo en este Blog puede inscribirse como administrador o me escribe a mi correo y yo lo pongo como administrador. Sigamos creciendo poco a poco, ya que la ciencia y la tecnología lo hacen a pasos agigantados.


Mensaje de Excelencia

Si todos hicieramos las cosas que somos capaces de hacer, nos asombraríamos literalmente a nosotros mismos.

domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

Curso Crash: Sistema Nervioso

Paginas: 288
Edicion: 2ª
Formato: PDF
Idioma: Español
Tamaño: 17MB
Estado: Completado

Descripcion del Libro

Nueva edición de la serie `Cursos Crash de Mosby`, la serie perfecta para el estudiante, ahora diseñada enteramente a dos colores. El Curso Crash de Sistema nervioso ofrece un enfoque innovador para la formación de estudiantes de medicina al combinar en un texto los conocimientos de ciencia básica necesarios para comprender el sistema nervioso (anatomía y fisiología celular del sistema nervioso, la médula espinal, y de los diferentes sentidos, fisiopatología, etc.), junto con una introducción a su clínica (patología de los nervios periféricos y los músculos) y farmacología. Se incluye también información para realizar la anamnesis y la exploración neurológica. En la parte clínica también se enseñan las formas de presentación frecuentes de las enfermedades neurológicas. Al final del libro se encuentra, como en todos los libros de esta serie, una sección de Autoevaluación, con preguntas de elección múltiple, preguntas cortas y temas a desarrollar para valorar el progreso del estudiante, y el posible rendimiento en los exámenes una vez estudiado el texto.

Andrews’ Diseases of the Skin: Clinical Dermatology

Donald School Textbook of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology


Hardcover: 819 pages
Publisher: Informa Healthcare; 1 edition (May 3, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1842142577
ISBN-13: 978-1842142578

Emergency Medicine PreTest Self-Assessment and Review (PreTest Clinical Science)

The Atlas of Emergency Medicine, Third Edition

The most complete and trusted visual compendium of emergency medicine—extensively updated with 1500 full-color illustrations

Ideally suited to the bedside practice of emergency medicine, The Atlas of Emergency Medicine is the ultimate visual guide to the diagnosis and treatment of common and uncommon conditions encountered in the Emergency Department. Filled with 1500 crisp, clear full-color images, this essential clinical companion is logically organized by organ system and then by problem, making it a practical quick reference for medical students, residents in training, new graduates preparing for their certification exam, the practicing physician, and instructors. The third edition of The Atlas of Emergency Medicine features an even more streamlined presentation with clear, concise text and an unmatched collection of diagnoses-speeding images. Forming the core of the book, these images show you what to look for and are accompanied by brief, high-yield descriptions of clinical problems. The new edition also features an enhanced template, and new coverage of airway emergencies, tropical conditions, toxicologic emergencies, and electrocardiographs .


* 1,500 full-color clinical photographs (more than twice the amount found in the previous edition)

New chapter template:“Clinical Summary”: clinically relevant observations on differential diagnosis

“Emergency Department Treatment and Disposition”: a brief overview of need-to-know diagnostic guidelines and recommendations

“Clinical Pearls”: instructive tips and insights on specific aspects of conditions which are difficult to find in other texts
*Four new chapters that enhance the book’s hands-on value:
Tropical Medicine: reflects an increased emphasis on global access to healthcare and easier patient travel
Toxicology: features an up-to-date, authoritative review of how to diagnose and treat selected toxicological emergencies
ECG Abnormalities: presents turnkey insights into the rapid recognition of pathological ECG’s, highlighting the electrocardiographi c characteristics of each featured clinical problem
Airway Procedures: includes essential information that guides, improves, and expedites the management of airway emergencies

Wounds and Lacerations: Emergency Care and Closure

The revised and updated new edition covers all of the major clinical issues surrounding the care and closure of wounds and lacerations, including basic and complex wound care, anatomy, wound healing, infiltration anesthesia, cleansing, irrigation, choice of suture materials, consultations, and more. It provides clear, concise guidance on everything from the patient’s arrival in the ED to discharge and follow-up care. And, more than 445 detailed illustrations— over 130 new to this edition—depict techniques for wound care and offer step-by-step guidance. * Uses a structured guideline approach to wound care derived from expert opinion and research. * Discusses basic wound care knowledge, as well as information on materials, instruments, and techniques. * Examines the advantages and disadvantages of various technique and instruments, and offers “real-life” solutions to clinical problems in the emergency setting

Pediatric Emergency Medicine : A Comprehensive Study Guide

Paperback: 844 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 2 edition (March 8, 2002)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0071369791

ISBN-13: 978-0071369794

Product Dimensions: 8.6 x 7.3 x 1.4 inches

Sponsored by the American College of Emergency Physicians and written by a renowned team of pediatric emergency physicians, this groundbreaking book offers a comprehensive review of the full-spectrum of pediatric emergencies. Concise, clinically focused and immediately accessible, it is the best available tool for effectively evaluating and treating a wide-range of complaints commonly encountered in an emergency setting. Look Inside For These NEW FEATURES:

* Bulleted list of high-yield facts at the beginning of each chapter

* Expanded coverage of cardiac care

* Key tables, diagrams, and equations now on the inside covers for handy reference.

Infectious Diseases: Emergency Department Diagnosis And Management (Red and White Emergency Medicine Series)

An Introduction to Clinical Emergency Medicine: Guide for Practitioners in the Emergency Department

Product Details

Paperback: 818 pages

Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (July 11, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0521542596
ISBN-13: 978-0521542593

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