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martes, 17 de junio de 2008


Haemoglobinopathy Diagnosis

By Barbara J. Bain

Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell

Number Of Pages: 328

Publication Date: 2006-01-03

ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1405135166

ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781405135160

Binding: Hardcover

This unique book is written by Barbara Bain, a leading haematologist with a reputation for her educational prowess in the field.
It provides a concise overview of the haemoglobinopathies and focuses on the selection, performance, and interpretation of relevant laboratory tests. The tests dealt with are mainly those done regularly in diagnostic haematology laboratories. Where more specialist tests are required, the reader is given an overview of what the specialist centre will do, with guidance on what the result will imply.
This book is extremely practical in orientation and is an essential reference volume in the haematology laboratory.
Haemoglobinopathy Diagnosis is ideal for:
Trainees and residents in haematologyHematologists in practiceLaboratory scientistsWhy Buy This Book?
New Edition - Fully updated, with 43 new pictures and 37 pages of illustrated clinical cases to use for teaching and self-evaluationEssential reference volume for the haematology laboratoryFocuses on diagnosisVery practical in its approachIn addition to the self-assessment case studies, contains "test your knowledge" sections at the end of every chapterRemarkably comprehensive for a compact book
Summary: A must for anyone who interprets hemoglobinsRating: 5
No question that if you regularly interpret hemoglobin electrophoresis, then you must have this book at your disposal. Dr. Bain is the Kathy Foucar of Britian and has created an excellent resource with lots of useful tables, diagrams and pictures. The latest edition is not much different than the last edition, so if you have the previous edition, no real need for this one. But if you don´t have a good resource for hemoglobinopathies and need one, this is definitely the way to go.

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