Bienvenidos (Welcome)

En primer lugar, agradeciendoles por su visita a este Blog que deja de ser mio y pasa a ser de ustedes en el momento en que lo visiten.

Para algunos que no me conocen, soy Médico - Cirujano, egresado de la Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sanchez Carrión - Huacho. Espero que disfruten de su paseo por este espacio virtual. Si alguien quiere publicar algún articulo en este Blog puede inscribirse como administrador o me escribe a mi correo y yo lo pongo como administrador. Sigamos creciendo poco a poco, ya que la ciencia y la tecnología lo hacen a pasos agigantados.


Mensaje de Excelencia

Si todos hicieramos las cosas que somos capaces de hacer, nos asombraríamos literalmente a nosotros mismos.

miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2008

Dermatologia Clínica

Five years is a long time in modern medicine, and we feel that the moment has come for Clinical Dermatology to move into its third edition. As before, every chapter has been updated extensively, but our aim is still the sameato create an easily read text that will help family doctors to get to grips with a subject many still find confusing, despite the increasingly stodgy sets of guidelines that now land regularly on their desks. We have selected the best elements of these guidelines for our new sections on treatment, which are therefore much more ‘evidence based’. However, if we had to include only treatments based on flawless evidence, we would have to leave out too many old favourites that have stood the test of time, but have still not been evaluated properly. Next time perhaps.


Libro de Dermatologia Clínica


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