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Para algunos que no me conocen, soy Médico - Cirujano, egresado de la Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sanchez Carrión - Huacho. Espero que disfruten de su paseo por este espacio virtual. Si alguien quiere publicar algún articulo en este Blog puede inscribirse como administrador o me escribe a mi correo y yo lo pongo como administrador. Sigamos creciendo poco a poco, ya que la ciencia y la tecnología lo hacen a pasos agigantados.


Mensaje de Excelencia

Si todos hicieramos las cosas que somos capaces de hacer, nos asombraríamos literalmente a nosotros mismos.

miércoles, 2 de julio de 2008

Autopsy: Life and Death (4 episodes) [Video]

It’s said that the dead tell no tales—but an autopsy reveals a lot about how a person lived and died. In this four-part series, world-renowned anatomist Gunther von Hagens and pathologist John Lee study and dissect human cadavers—preserved through plastination, von Hagens’ patented process—and clearly illustrate the causes of death. Each program features eye-opening lessons in anatomy and pathology, offering an in-depth look at the intense hands-on training that precedes a career in medicine. A follow-up to the series Anatomy for Beginners, item. Contains clinically explicit language and demonstrations. 4-part series, 49 minutes each.
Autopsy Programme 1- circulation
The series begins by looking at diseases affecting the circulatory system, a major cause of death in the UK. Von Hagens and Lee explain that rather than life hanging by a thread, it hangs by a tube. In particular they demonstrate the complex network of blood vessels that deliver oxygen to our vital organs. If some of these narrow, harden, become blocked or burst, they can damage the heart and end in what we understand as a heart attack.
Autopsy Programme 2 - Cancer
In the second programme of the series von Hagens and Lee take a look at cancer. They illuminate the difficulties of diagnosing and treating a disease that is a result of the body’s own cells multiplying uncontrollably. Von Hagens dissects a woman who died of bowel cancer to reveal the site of the primary tumour and the other parts of her body that it affected. He also reveals the silent spread of tumours in the frozen body of a woman who died from breast cancer.
Autopsy Programme 3 - Poisoning
When von Hagens and Lee address the subject of poisoning, they are not thinking of a murder mystery. Von Hagens dissects the body of a dialysis patient who died of kidney failure to reveal that we are more likely to die of internal poisoning than by a surreptitious dose of arsenic. Lee explains how the body can be contaminated if critical organs like the kidneys and liver malfunction and fail to filter out poisonous byproducts of metabolism.
Autopsy Programme 4 - Ageing
In the last programme, von Hagens and Lee illustrate the process of ageing. To reveal the dread process for us all to see, the two scientists compare the bodies of two live models - an 84-year-old and a 24-year-old. Von Hagens then compares sections from the cadaver of a woman over 80 years old with the same sections from a much younger woman. By revealing the internal extent of ageing damage, von Hagens and Lee demonstrate the widespread effects of ageing and explain why we can’t life forever.

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